Created Montag 26 Oktober 2015
This version was released 17.02.2017
New Features
- Old flue gas cleaning components have been moved to ClaRa_Obsolete: Please replace the old models with the new flue gas cleaning components available, which are supporting the new flue gas cell. The simulation results stay the same with improved robustness.
- apply string-based enumerations instead of type-based enumerations (especially for initOptions) see Basic Concepts of Modelling:Initialisation for details
- renamed simCenter.summary → simCenter.summary_clara which enables ClaRa add-ons to have a specific summary
- moved Move ClaRa.Basics.Functions.TableInterpolation to ClaRa_Obsolete since these functions are deprecated MSL standard functions
Pressure Loss
- ClaRa.Basics.ControlVolumes.Fundamentals.PressureLoss.Gas_PL.QuadraticPressureLoss_Simple_L4 rename according to VLE pressure losses
Heat Transfer
Heat Transfer
- Uniform comments of VLE HT model: [Geometry][Level of Detail][Basis for Calculation][phases]
- in ClaRa.Basics.ControlVolumes.Fundamentals.HeatTransport.VLE_HT.HeatTransfer_L2 and descendents: removed option temperatureDifference = "Logarithmic mean". The default is set to a more robust alternative formulation named "Logarithmic mean - smoothed". However, the deprecated equation is still featured but not provided in the dropdown menu (to use it you have to write the modifier manually)
- in ClaRa.Basics.ControlVolumes.Fundamentals.HeatTransport.Gas_HT.HeatTransfer_L2 and descendents: removed option temperatureDifference = "Logarithmic mean". The default is set to a more robust alternative formulation named "Logarithmic mean - smoothed". However, the deprecated equation is still featured but not provided in the dropdown menu (to use it you have to write the modifier manually)
Library Structure and Basics of Modelling
Gas Components
- ClaRa.Components.FlueGasCleaning.Denitrification.Denitrification_L1_NH3port, ClaRa.Components.FlueGasCleaning.Denitrification.Denitrification_L1, ClaRa.Components.FlueGasCleaning.E_Filter.E_Filter_L2_simple, ClaRa.Components.FlueGasCleaning.E_Filter.E_Filter_L2_empirical, ClaRa.Components.FlueGasCleaning.E_Filter.E_Filter_L2_detailed, ClaRa.Components.FlueGasCleaning.Desulfurization.Desulfurization_L1_ideal moved to ClaRa_Obsolete new models applying more object orientation are provided.
- Chemical reactions are directly available inside Flue Gas Cell via replaceable models. New components for flue gas cleaning have been added with same functionality
- Flue gas cleaning components have fixed geometry with parameters set at top level at group geometry
- Moved ClaRa.Components.FlueGasCleaning.Denitrification.Denitrification_L1_NH3port to ClaRa_Obsolete.Components.FlueGasCleaning.Denitrification_L1_NH3port
- Deleted parameter for effectiveFlowArea from top level
- Remove parameter for effectiveFlowArea from ClaRa.Components.VolumesValvesFittings.Valves.Fundamentals.QuadraticFrictionNominalPointSymetric_TWV
- Remove parameter for effectiveFlowArea from ClaRa.Components.VolumesValvesFittings.Valves.ThreeWayValveVLE_L1
- Remove parameter for effectiveFlowArea from ClaRa.Components.VolumesValvesFittings.Valves.ThreeWayValveGas_L1
Turbo Machines
- VLE Turbine: the isentropic efficiency is now a replaceable model introducing more flexibility to introduce more elaborated efficiency models
- Turbine: rename parameter: p_in_0 → p_in_start
- optionally provide conversion to per unit values in VLE sensors
- optionally provide conversion to per unit values in Gas sensors
- ClaRa.Components.Sensors.SensorVLE_L3_T new model for temperature sensor including thermal mass of the sensor itself and the influence of heat transfer on the sensor's response time
- renamed sensors to be compliant to ClaRa's class naming conventions
- SensorVLE_L1_T, SensorGas_L1_m_flow,...
Mechanical Separation
- renamed parameter tau_evap → Tau_evap in FeedwaterTank_L3 to be compliant to the ClaRa nomenclature
- renamed the final parameter xi_start → steamQuality_start in ClaRa.Components.MechanicalSeparation.FeedWaterTank_base to be compliant to the ClaRa nomenclature
- rename models: e.g. join_L3_Y → joinVLE_L3_Y
- SplitVLE_L2_flex: rename parameter V → volume to be compliant with ClaRa's nomenclature
- SplitVLE_L2_flex: removed unused parameter showSummary
- Add summary to ClaRa.Components.VolumesValvesFittings.Fittings.SprayInjectorVLE_L3
- Add summary to ClaRa.Components.VolumesValvesFittings.Fittings.SprayInjectorVLE_L3_advanced
Electrical Components
- added a simple (constant total efficiency) electric generator model
- added an electric boundary condition which defines the grid frequency
- introduced a new input "grindingStatus" to allow shut down of the mill
- renamed a number of parameters to be compliant with ClaRa's nomenclature (modifiers will be adapted by the conversion script):
- M_c_0 → mass_rct_start
- M_pf_0 → mass_pct_start
- M_cair_0 → mass_pca_start
- xi_coal_0 = xi_wc_start
- Tau_grind → Tau_delay
- T_0 → T_out_start
Static Cycles Components
- nominal mass flow rates are defined locally, there is no need for a globally (inner/outer) defined nominal mass flow
- consideration of furnace
- consideration of geostatic pressure
- bugfix: renamed outlet connector of Tube2
- rename Valve_cutFlow to Valve_cutPressure2 as this component cuts the pressure and calculates a Delta_p
- rename Valve_cutPressure to ValvePressure1
- introduced sub-packages to ease the orientation
- Check
- Fundamentals
- Boundaries
- HeatExchanger
- ValvesConnects
- Machines
- Fittings
- Storage
- Furnace
- improved the connector concept to forbid inlet/inlet and outlet/outlet connections
- added a new turbine with a connector for the generated power
- Condenser: renamed parameter absLevel → level_abs
- moved Boundary_yellow, Boundary_red, Boundary_green and Boundary_blue to ClaRa_obsolete as the concept is not Modelica Standard compliant
- new boundaries specific to flow directions: Source_red/yellow/green/blue and Sink_red/yellow/green/blue
- Preheater1:
- deleted setMassFlow as the model is not valid when set to false
- feature: renamed m_flow_tap to m_fow_tap_nom and introduced means to vary this value in part load
- feature: renamed p_tap to p_tap_nom and introduced means to vary this value in part load
- add geodetic pressure difference as a function of the filling level.
- Preheater2
- add geodetic pressure difference as a function of the filling level.
- feature: renamed p_tap to p_tap_nom and introduced means to vary this value in part load
- moved Boiler to ClaRa_obsolete as there is a new, less error-prone alternative called Boiler_simple in ClaRa.StaticCycles.Furnace
- new boiler model ClaRa.StaticCycles.Furnace.Boiler_simple to replace the old StaCy boiler model. The new model
- does not feature an outer parameter m_flow_nom which makes it more clear what mass flows we have in live steam and reheat pipings
- has some renamed parameters for the sake of easy understanding: Q_nom → Q_flow; reheat_in → coldReheat; reheat_out → hotReheat; feedwater → feedWater; m_flow_HP_in → m_flow_feed; Q_RS_ → Q_flow_RS_; Q_LS_ → Q_flow_LS_
- features a visualiser warning for non-equal flows at feedwater inlet and live steam outlet
- is applied in the StaCy check models to be found in ClaRa.StaticCycles.Check.StaticCyclesExamples
- New Sixtuple (p,h,T,m_flow,s,e)
Known Bugs
- ClaRa.Basics.ControlVolumes.FluidVolumes.VolumeVLE_L3_TwoZonesNPort
- improved numerical stability if expert setting equalPressures==false
- ClaRa.Basics.ControlVolumes.FluidVolumes.VolumeVLE_3_TwoZones
- improved numerical stability if expert setting equalPressures==false
Heat Transfer
- ClaRa.Basics.ControlVolumes.Fundamentals.HeatTransport.Gas_HT.Convection.Convection_carrierTubes_L2
- parameter d_ct is now taken from the geo Record
- superfluous parameter N_ct removed
- uses now characteristic length so flow direction has influence
- changed used correlation from convection at thin tubes to convection at flat wall (more suitable)
- ClaRa.Components.HeatExchangers.HEXvle2vle_L3_2ph_BU_ntu removed confusing parameter parallelTubes
->results change if parallelTubes was set to true, however such parametrisation is not meaningful
Mechanical Separation
- FeedWaterTank_L3
- renamed parameter tau_evap → Tau_evap
- RegenerativeAirPreheater_L4
- hydraulic diameter was not propagated to geometry, fixed to diameter_hyd=fill(d_gl, N_cv)
->results change if diameter_reg is not 1 m, as this results in higher heat transfer coefficients
Basic Concepts of Modelling
Conservation Laws
- added chapter about general form of conservation laws
Finite Volume Approach
- added chapter about derivation of the Modelica code conservation equations
- Updated documentation of gas sensors